KLM Accounting is great for keeping track of and managing your inventory. Some of the easy to use features included are:
- Use up to 20 alpha or numeric characters to itemize your inventory. Access/group your inventory several ways
- Access cost, wholesale or retail price, or your own specially designed prices with multi-currency option
- Stock availability shows on-hand, on order committed inventory
- Automatically assign taxing and accounting posting information, to speed up invoicing input and reduce potential operator error
- Perform cost explosions based on multi-level mark-up types and currency rates
- Performs mass price updates quickly
- Re-order list based on stated reordered quantity and minimum quantity with cost information
- Value of existing inventory report for insurance purposes
- Inventory consumption history report:analyze buying/selling trends per inventory item or supplier/customer
- Run various reports you can use as price lists
- Report on last price or quantity change on all inventory items
- Print count sheets for inventory stock taking